
The list below includes the references used in the creation and on-going modifications of the CHECKUP TO GO (CHUG) and the eCHECKUP TO GO (e-CHUG), as well as a number of references relating to research on—and using—these programs.

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Conner, B.T. (2017, July). A Controlled Pilot Study of the Cannabis eCHECKUP To Go Protocol. Symposium presented at the Inaugural Research Society on Marijuana Conference, Fort Collins, Colorado.

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Doumas, D. M., Esp, S., Turrisi, R., Bond, L., & Flay, B. (2020). The efficacy of the eCHECKUP TO GO for high school seniors: Sex differences in risk factors, protective behavioral strategies, and alcohol use. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 81, 135-143.

Doumas, D. M., Esp, S., Turrisi, R., & Bond, L. (2021). A Randomized Controlled Trial of the eCHECKUP to GO for High School Seniors across the Academic Year. Substance Use & Misuse, 56(13), 1923-1932.

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