Best Practices

Requiring All First-Year Students to Complete the eCHECKUP To Go

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Many campuses use the eCHECKUP TO GO as a prevention program required for all entering freshmen. The well documented “freshman effect” reminds us that students’ choices regarding alcohol are likely to change as they move through their college years. The Alcohol eCHECKUP TO GO prepares students for these challenges by: providing them with campus-specific social norms information, identifying their own key risk factors, and identifying dangerous behaviors and destructive drinking habits.

Even those students who do not drink and never intend to drink may know someone who drinks at a level that causes them concern. By providing specific resources available on your campus and in your community, the Alcohol eCHECKUP TO GO supports and empowers students to help a friend, help themselves and strengthen the wellness culture on your campus.

For more information on using the eCHECKUP TO GO with all first year students, please see the following downloadable document, which provides:

  1. A clear rationale for requiring all first-year students/athletes to complete the Alcohol eCHECKUP TO GO
  2. A description of how you can foster a culture of health & safety on campus
  3. A description of how you can introduce the program to students and faculty
Counseling & Psychological Services
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-4730
Phone: (619) 594-0710
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